Recovery Stages of Breast Augmentation

Most breast augmentation is an outpatient surgery that requires only a few hours of time between when you walk in the door and when you’re ready to go home. Even so, the changes made to your body during this procedure are significant. As a result, it takes weeks of recovery before your body is finished healing and you get to see the final results of your breast augmentation.


Along with making sure you are choosing the right plastic surgeon, the recovery process is one of the most important things you must take into account when deciding whether to pursue breast augmentation. Once you know what to expect, moving forward with the procedure will be much easier and less scary.


For the first few hours after your surgery, you may feel a little dazed and disoriented. You’ll also be sore and will have limited mobility of your arms. Not only does this mean you’ll need someone to drive you home from surgery, but you’ll need to arrange for someone to stay with you for at least one night, if not for several nights after the procedure. If you don’t, it will be painful and potentially harmful for you to move around, make yourself food, go to the bathroom, etc. It is also important to learn how to sleep after breast surgery, in order to avoid harming your breast tissue.

In addition to restricting your movement and physical activity after breast augmentation, you should also avoid alcohol, tobacco, and any blood-thinning medications. You’ll probably be nauseous and tired for at least the first day after surgery, so it’s really best to spend this time relaxing, sleeping, and letting your body heal. Your surgeon will also give you more specific care instructions, which will most likely include things like wearing a supportive compression bra, avoiding showering for at least 48 hours, and wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.


The first few days of your first week of recovery may be tough, but just remember that things will start to drastically improve from there. You will have prescription painkillers to help with the first few days, and over-the-counter pain medication to help after that. Additionally, you can use a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain.

With a surgeon’s approval, some patients may be able to resume some of their daily activities after their first week of breast augmentation recovery is over. That typically includes things like showering, driving, and going back to work. However, you may need to heal a little longer if your work involves heavy lifting or physical activity, or if you are responsible for taking care of young children. Your surgeon may also give you some light stretches or exercise to do during this time, to ensure your implants and surrounding tissue settle properly.

Recovery from breast augmentation


During this timeframe, you should see a reduction in swelling and bruising around the surgery site. You will also experience less soreness and pain, along with increased mobility in your arms. While heavy lifting and strenuous exercise are still prohibited, your doctor may allow you to engage in some very light, lower body exercises. Just make sure you check with your doctor before any kind of physical activity or going back to a strenuous job, so you don’t risk harming your breast tissue.

It’s at the end of your first month of healing that you’ll be able to start seeing glimpses of your results. Your implants will begin to settle and your breasts will begin to look fuller and less compacted.


At this point, you should no longer be experiencing pain, swelling, or bruising as a result of your surgery. Your doctor will also (if they haven’t already) clear you for most or all types of exercise and physical activity. They will also probably allow you to switch from your surgical or compression bra, back to your regular bras or sports bras.

Your breasts should be approaching their final stages in terms of appearance. Your scars will begin to fade at this point, and your breasts will look much fuller and rounder. Your healing process is very nearly complete.


During this time, you will probably have gone to at least one or two follow-up appointments with your surgeon. These appointments are designed to verify that your implants have settled properly and that your scars are healing as they should. In fact, with a good scar care routine, you may even find that your scars fade away completely in the span of a couple of years.


Even though you have a general idea of what to expect after breast augmentation, it’s always best to schedule a consultation to speak to one of the plastic surgeons at Wilmington Plastic Surgery before you make your final decision. They will be able to discuss your unique needs, address any concerns you may have, and show you before-and-after breast augmentation photos of our previous patients.

Finally, once your procedure is scheduled, make sure you review our tips for recovering from breast surgery to help make your healing process even smoother and easier. Call us to schedule your appointment today at 910-509-SKIN or email us at for more info.